We rarely say no when it comes to creating something new and exciting.
Truck Tray Back
Our experienced mechanic and agricultrual engineer proudly designed and now creates bespoke tray backs for trucks across the UK. Find out more here: Bespoke Truck Back/ Bed/ Flatbed/ Trayback - Made to measure | eBay

VW Camper Conversion
We are fond of VW Campers and that's why we've got a selection that we are currently renovating and are due to be ready for renting this summer. Watch this space for news!

Coming soon..
We are always working on something worth writing about so we will update this page soon!

Christmas Tractor Run
We are proud winners of the 2023 Best Decorated Tractor of the Young Farmers Tractor Run. This project was a fun one to create!

Rice Trailer Restoration
This summer we are bringing life back to this old classic Rice Trailer with all new metal framing for the flooring and new wooden boards for the base.

What will be next?
That's for us to know and you to find out...